Lasers have revolutionized modern and natural dentistry especially the field of endodontics. In our office, we apply laser dentistry to root canal treatments to enhance cleaning efficacy. Integrative Endodontics is equipped with a range of state-of-the-art laser devices, which use different mediums and wavelengths to address various needs.
Producing better results and faster healing times, lasers are more precise and less invasive than traditional dental technologies. Our doctors use revolutionary laser techniques, including SWEEPS®, produced by Fotona’s LightWalker® Er:YAG laser. This technology has the capability to completely clean the tooth’s internal structures.
Experience the new wave of health-oriented endodontic treatments when you are a patient at Integrative Endodontics. Book your consultation →
Video Created by Fotona
Video Created by Technology 4 Medicine
With the power of light & sound.

To ensure the eradication of harmful bacteria during your root canal procedure, our doctors harness the power of light and sound (through the Fotona LightWalker® and GentleWave®).
On this page, you learned about our use of laser technology. Now, learn how we use sound.
Laser Endodontics
It is a revolutionary method for cleaning and debriding the root canal system. The PIPS™ effect was identified as a function of the Er:YAG laser energy when used at sub-ablative power levels to create photoacoustic streaming in the root canal system.
SWEEPS® (shockwave enhanced emission photoacoustic streaming) was more recently developed. Using shockwaves that penetrate even deeper into the root canal system, it further increases the effectiveness of cleaning – and is only available with the LightWalker® Er:YAG laser.
SWEEPS® harnesses the power of the Er:YAG laser, creating photoacoustic shock waves within the cleaning and debriding solutions introduced in the canal. The containment of the shockwaves thoroughly streams these solutions through the entire canal system, enhancing their effectiveness. The main and lateral canals are left clean, and the dentinal tubules are free of a smear layer and bacteria.
✔ Er:YAG laser energy has the highest absorption rate in water compared to other Erbium lasers.
✔ The ultra-short 25-microsecond Square Pulse Technology is only available in the digital LightWalker® laser.
✔ Lowest possible energy per pulse (millijoules) with maximum peak power (all due to the ultra-short pulse duration), eliminating thermal effects while maximizing the propagation of the Photo Hydro Acoustic shockwaves.
✔ Sub-ablative power levels eliminate the risks of ledging and demineralization.
✔ Proprietary, optical, photo-efficient endodontic laser tips.
First of all, low-level laser therapy (LLLT) is a very different type of laser therapy compared to SWEEPS®. While the SWEEPS® is used during procedures, LLLT is a gentle healing method for post-treatment.
These low-intensity laser devices have the potential to decrease pain, reduce inflammation, and increase release of natural growth factors. This can improve the wound-healing process and give patients a more comfortable post-surgery experience without overusing antibiotics and other medications.
- Minimally Invasive Biomimetic Endodontics: The Future is Here, Academy of General Dentistry
- Elimination of Intracanal Tissue and Debris, Adam Lloyd, Jonathan P. Uhles, David J. Clement, and Franklin Garcia-Godoy
- SWEEPS® Photoacoustic Endodontics, The Power of ASP
- Laser-activated irrigation with PIPS™, Dr. Ralf Schlichting, Germany
- Photon Induced Photoacoustic Streaming, PIPS™
- Fotona’s Unveils the Future of Dentistry at IDS, Fotona
- Effect of Low Level Laser Therapy on Proliferation and Differentiation of the Cells Contributing in Bone Regeneration, Journal of Lasers in Medical Sciences